Friday, November 9, 2007

It's a New Day for Skyline Journalism

It's a new day here at the Skyline College Journalism Program. After four semesters of encouraging, with greater and lesser success, my students to experiment more with the online version of their newspaper--thanks to the inspiration of fellow JACC members Robert Mercer and Rich Cameron, among others--I've decided to jump in there myself.

So, I got me a wiki site and a blog (two, if you count the Wordpress site I'm going to use for next semester's new Advanced Writing and Reporting for the Media course). . .heck, I even signed up for Gmail, despite the fact that they'll electronically comb through my email to adjust their ads to match my interests.

Actually, I should be at the Rethinking Journalism Education 2.0: Preparing Journalists for the 21st Century
at SFSU today, but since my 3-year-old staged a vomit-in all last night, I'm holding my own rethinking journalism education summit right from my home by signing up for all these "news-fangled" convergence options.

And I guess that's kind of the point, isn't it? I can jump in the game, and so can my students. We all can. After all, convergence and Web 2.0 journalism--news-fangled media, if you will--is, as my colleague Robert puts it on his wiki site, "a newsroom without a door or webaddress."

Or without even a left-hand, if you consider I'm doing this single-handedly while my daughter sleeps on me.

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